Sunday, April 26, 2009

Dog Kennel Training Tips

By Juana Cruz

There are some talks concerning the safety of dog kennel training, and whether it's humane or not to make use of to punish our pets. Despite the fact that using kennels does not spark as much controversy as using dog collars, the fact is many dogs find comfort in the space which they can call their own, like the washing basket, the tumble drier, the bottom drawer.

So do you know how to effectively apply dog kennel training on your dog? are you interested in taking dog kennel training tips?are you going to apply dog kennel training as a way to train your dog? Read on for the following suggestions.

First you need to identify the reason why you want to use kennels to train and discipline him. Is there a problem he caused? Did he chew on on an unwanted again? Did he defecate in an appropriate place? Did he bark nonstop? Did he cause a mess? When you go to the root of everything it is now time to use the kennel to your advantage.

The kennel serves as your dog's den so you should provide him the things he needs and make him comfortable. You should make him feel welcome. Provide him with food, water and a bed. If your dog has chewing problems, provide him with chew toys. If you find him chewing on something else, distract him with his chew toy and you must not at all cost yell nor shout at your pet. Praise him and reward him with treats, that way he will realize that he should keep doing something right if he wants to be given treats. If you see him relieving himself in an appropriate place, on the other hand, observe when he's in the kennel for signs he shows before he defecates. Dogs don't defecate in their den. You should be aware of the common signs dogs show before defecating which include going around in circles, sniffing and scratching. If he shows these signs take him out and accompany him to the toilet area. Give him a reward if he relieves himself. Always reward him for him to realize the good consequence he will gain for displaying the right behavior. Dog kennel training needs you to pay attention to your dog often and is applied to stubborn dogs.

When you are training your dog using kennels do not keep him in that kennel for more than four hours. Why? Placing him there for such a long period of time will cause him to start feeling anxious. They need to stretch and move around, too. It goes without saying that he needs to defecate as well. While kennels can be of big help when when training a dog, they are not really a magic pill to your dog training program. They could lead to problems and lead your dog to display erratic behavior when they are not used the right way.

Some people consider dog kennel training to be inhumane, when in truth, kids experience the same thing in a way. They are placed in a playpen to play and have great time together. Dogs, when confined in a kennel, should be treated not like a prisoner but as a pet that needs proper training and effective disciplinary measures. Kennels are expensive, so make sure they will not go to waste by learning methods on how to train dogs using kennels first.